What would it mean to cure our chronic diseases through simple modifications in the food that we eat? What if you could attain your perfect health, lose weight, increase energy, jump start your brain and deepen your sleep just by eating right?
Eliminate toxins = Eliminate diseases
What is the effect of sugar on our brain and how does it mess with our energy levels?
Brain fog – feeling groggy and sluggish at times during the day, how to cure yourself of this condition?
Effects of caffeine on the general functioning of the brain.
How does processing of foods change nutritional value of our foods ? We will teach you effective methods of rejuvenating your brain and keep dementia away. 5 weeks program.
Does consuming large amounts of milk help to maintain calcium in your body?
How does milk cause diabetes and obesity?
Learn about the unwanted stuff in milk including antibiotics, pus, growth hormones and see how they damage your health.
How consuming milk and yogurt makes your bones weak? What are the healthy substitutes for milk?
We will train you to consume the right foods to strengthen the bones. 3 weeks program.
Learn about the genetic modifications done to our grains including wheat, corn and soybeans. Learn how these GMO foods play havoc with our immune system as well as the glucose metabolism and also create addictive eating habits. What is the chronic leaky gut syndrome? We see how most of us are an unknown victim of this condition.
We will provide a list of healthy substitutes to all these harmful types of food. These substitutes are well researched for their health enhancing properties. 5 weeks.
Is there such a thing as good fats? By challenging conventional wisdom, we will learn how healthy fats help to maintain optimum brain health and a steady state of metabolism.
Is cholesterol really bad for you? We will expose the myth about cholesterol lowering drugs.
How to avoid the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease?
We will learn how a diet rich in good fats is beneficial in many ways.
A comprehensive diet plan will be provided. 5 week course.
What are lectins? Learn how they cause many diseases by interfering with the body's immune system.
What are the common lectin containing foods that we consume all the time?
How to deactivate lectins?
What are night-shade vegetables and are they bad for you? How do they contribute to bowel inflamatory disease and other autoimmune conditions.
Learn and discuss this new knowledge with an expert. 5 weeks course.
How much carbohydrates do we really need? Learn how reducing the carbohydrates can provide numerous benefits including maintaining insulin sensitivity, increasing energy levels, reducing blood lipids and optimum brain health.
How to change your diet so that you feel energetic at all times? 14 weeks course.
We see the fallacy behind the blind intake of large quantity of protein supplements. Learn the right quantity and quality of proteins required on a daily basis. Learn about building muscle on a vegan diet.
Learn the natural way to heal tooth decay. The choice of the right food can lead to amazing changes in dental health. We explore how we can heal cavities, cure sensitivity and restore the natural strength of the teeth without the aid of unnatural supplements or additives.
Acidty has been a part of our current lifestyle with no one being spared. The sales of over the counter acidity drugs have sky rocketed. In this session we address the root cause of the problem and once we make the key changes to the way we eat, the acid and its associated symptoms of gas and bloating are taken care for good.
Session length 1 hour.
Who you are = What you eat
Intermittent fasting is a new technology designed to kick start the repair mechanisms of our body. Learn how doing this simple procedure can rejuvenate your energy and recharge your being in all kinds of ways. Intermittent fasting has been known to increase longevity as well. A full protocol of this technique will be explained in this session.
The detox procedure is designed to remove old standing toxins from the body. This is achieved through a carefully formulated plan to allow the gut to heal and simultaneously replenish the deficiencies which strengthens the body's systems. This has worked wonders for many.
The concept of eating as per nature 's cycles and seasons is critical to maintaining a healthy being. The current way of eating everything in all times of the year leads to lots of problems including toxins and lectins. We describe a simple and effective way to cycle through various types of food as per the time of the year. This leads to increased strength and vitality.
Fasting is known to improve and detoxify our bodies. However a little known fact is that it influences our spiritual being in many beneficial ways . Fasting removes the drive from many of our passions that otherwise impede our spiritual progress. Fasting also makes the mind clear and subsides disturbing emotions. Learn about this link between something as simple as fasting and the inner dimension of spirit. Learn the right techniques of fasting and cleansing your being.
This session describes the fundamental scientific basis of the ancient Jain diet. We learn how to take the right food to progress on the path of awakening. The link between our psyche and food is also well-known. The type of food that we eat can influence our emotional state. The gut microbiome and brain connection is well understood. You will know why certain foods are eliminated in this diet. You will also learn the ancient way to cook our meals.
Conscious lifestyle = Nature harmony
Designing human settlements and agricultural systems relationship with nature. You can lessen your impact on the environment and develop a more adaptable and regenerative way of living by implementing permaculture concepts into your way of life. This may entail activities like composting, organic farming, water collection, and the creation of renewable energy. In the end, permaculture provides a way to a more peaceful and long-lasting relationship with the earth and its ecosystems.
Learn about the healing powers of traditional herbs and spices in this session. Our bodies are exposed to heavy metals every day via food, water, pharmaceuticals, manufactured products, pollution and more. Herbs and spices help our body to remove these substances and detoxify. Micronutrients are the “magic wands” that enable the body's development. Learn how to include these in our diet in the right amounts. Develop your own herb indoor garden using the information provided in this session.
Incorporating more plant-based foods into your meals gradually will help you make the switch to a vegetarian diet. This can involve consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as switching to plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils in place of meat. Vegetarianism has several advantages, including greater animal welfare, a smaller impact on the environment, and a decreased risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. A vegetarian diet
Choose the Right Food to Live a Healthy Life, Free of All Chronic Diseases