Play this wonderful and very unique game to understand how karmas get added and deleted in our life. The game is based on ancient wisdom understood as Jnaan (Knowledge) Maarganna (finding ourselves).
We have immense powers and wisdom. But we have forgotten how to access those powers. The Freedom Ride Game allows access to our powers by deleting the unwanted stuff! What does this mean? We have entangled ourselves into the never-ending pursuit of accumulating more and more stuff as if it could bring us happiness. We accumulate karmas in day to day living and make ourselves prone to losing our souls. However, there is only one way out.... play the game to find out how!
- Surbhi Pandya
Life's learning lessons through a game. Access the Superpowers, learn to Meditate under Ashoka tree, gain Clarity which is Super Clear Perception and become Omniscient!
We have been taught that measurement of happiness is equivalent to how much stuff we have accumulated, how many credits we have gained, how exciting is our status. A scientific research says “Pressure to be happy makes you less happy”. In this game, happiness is redefined. You win only when you loose your desires which is the cause of our limiting beliefs.
As our lifestyle is growing more and more individualistic, self-centered-ness is becoming a prominent attribute. Learn from this game how togetherness is a growth factor and empathy a virtue to enhance our life.
We have learnt to compete, to win, never settle for less. And if we are on the other side of the rope in a tug of war - we end up being jealous, incompetent, disheartened, a loser. Clarity gets stained by our attitude. In this game, there is a place where everyone is a winner, everywhere is a win-win situation. Because no matter what, it’s YOU - the place where self-realization becomes the winning edge. And it’s possible in EVERYONE else too!
A unique game experience which is not only fun, but will change the way you experience winning altogether. Credit to Monopoly which gave the idea of creating similiar game with the reverse concept.
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