Ancient Eastern medical models have utilized energy for thousands of years. That’s because our body knows how to heal itself. Introduced in this unique seminar is self-healing techniques of Reiki, Pranic Healing, Touch Healing, Crystal Healing, Seed Therapy, Magnetotherapy, Pyramid Therapy, Accupressure, Su-jok and Qi-Gong will be discussed. In addition techniques of Vipashana, Transcendental meditation, Dis-identification meditation, Diamond meditation will also be explored.
Check our programs on various healing techniques. Contact for details. Email
Healing = Awareness
This two hour introductory session will go into the pros and cons and the methodology of various healing techniques such as accupressure, Su-Jok, Reiki, Pranic healing, Touch healing and others. This session will be an eye opener for those seeking a carrier in healing or for their personal healing. Awakening methods of Kensho and Satrori will also be included.
Hooponopono is a powerful Hawaiian healing technique. It rids the body of bad memories. It is a practice of reconciliation and forgiveness with wide ranging benefits. It involves letting go of toxic energies. The teaching in this session is comprehensive and application becomes very effective and easy. For a group of five or more.
Pranic healing gives us the skills to harness prana (life force) and utilize this energy to mould our physical, emotional and spiritual well being. This two day workshop teaches the basics of pranic-healing and qualifies you to become a certified practitioner. For a group of five or more.
Knowledge = Healing
Emotiaonal Freeedom Technique is an effective treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. Tapping the body on defined points can create a balance in our energy system and treat pain.Learn this technique witrh hands on practice during this 2 hour workshop. For a group of 10 get discounted price of $750
Master the ancient techniques from sacred text "Jnaanaarnav" to know the secrets of your healing breath. These secrets have been passed down from gurus to their disciples over the ages. These ancient secrets can be used to effectively diagnose your health conditions, to forecast how things will turn out in a particular endeavor and synchronize your bio rhythms with nature to achieve internal strength and balance. 15 hour training.
Understanding the concept of karma can heal our lives in amazing ways leading to mental and spiritual well being. This program introduces karma in a whole new way. See the process of karma, its types, origins and progress as we go through our life journey.
You would have a deeper understanding of the subject after this introductory session and become ready to go through advanced training if you choose to. Two hour session.
This intense workshop deals with the phenomenon of karmas. The various types and attributes of karma are explained. Their myriad effects on our life experiences are discussed. Specific methods of awareness are taught which enable us to make new moment to moment choices.. You can actually heal your past present and future! Therapy designed by Surbhi Pandya based on ancient science of Karnaanuyoag.