Experience intensive self-discovery through talks & workshops, and transformative training. Unforgettable journey awaits!
How to eliminate stress and negative emotions by hacking mind, body and soul
Taking relationship towards new frontiers
Measuring our spiritual growth
A penetrating view on Forgiveness
Towards better communication
Upcoming in Pleasanton and Silicon Valley, 2025
A unique and extraordinary in-person experience
Lifestyle discomforts appear due to our lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, substance use disorders to name a few. Improve your lifestyle choices in order to impact your work, health and spirit.
An introduction to powerful Eastern Self-Healing techniques
Decoder, life coach | Jain Literate , author | Awarded Jewelry designer
Pranic Trainer | Psychotherapist
Meditation coach | Zero Limits coach
Radical Forgiveness coach | EFT coach
Educational works
Authored 4 books on principles of life changing ancient Jain practices. These books have been recognized and they have been included as part of curriculum for the UN (United Nations) school run by International Ahimsa Foundation, New York.
Founder AWAKEN NOW , a non-profit organization. Here, Surbhi promotes her teachings in various styles be it an inspirational life-changing workshop or interactive board-games that can make the learning fun and easy. Also developed a self-volunteer group of people and kids to cultivate kindness in New York.
Film- Tirthankar Mahavir, played an eminent role in script and direction for the film produced by DJSangh studios.
2022 Previewed Film at Consulate General of India, New York for conveyors of Ahimsa, members of Parliament, and Professors of Universities.
Conceived and designed six board games - 2019-2022. The games are directed towards Awakening and Personal Growth with the mission “Change your thinking, change your life”. https://www.awakennow.guru/game
Promoting Jain philosophy concepts at Paathshaala New York since 2004, IAF(International Ahimsa Foundation), Parliament of World Religions 2022.
Profession and awards
Founder Vivaan Fine Jewelry, New York. 2008. Have received numerous awards for jewelry design in the United States, including prestigious Luxury by JCK in ‘High end fashion category’, ‘Grand Prize Winner’, ‘Instore design Awards’ and ’Retailers Choice Awards’. Actively involved with charity organizations and helped raise funds for the same via silent auctions.
Life coaching
Decoder since 2016, and has counseled many individuals one on one on mind, body and soul healing as well as clearing of negative emotions in the United states of America and India. 2022 Couple’s Magic Workshop for aspiring youth at YI (Young Indians), Indore, in 2019 at Roundtable Indore, 2017 at Talisman, El Dorado Hills. The workshop was focused on relationship techniques, based on a decade of life coaching in New York.
Discussions and lectures
Conducted series of lectures since 1994 around the world, featuring the life processes by Tirthankar Mahavir, Munishree KshamaSagar, J.Krishnamurthy , Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Neale Donald Walsh, Wayne Dyer, David Schnarch, Gary Renard, Guy Finlay, Jack Canfield and Eric Berne among others.
Diet Intelligence Program
Provided guidance for medical professionals towards right diet for a healthy life, 2019-2022 who have been able to help their patients do better with illness. Talks on Diet for Optimal Brain health work presented at ‘Maitree Samooh’ for over 350 student audience, Hastinapur.
Seminars and workshops
2022 New York, Invited for presenting a series of lectures on integrating Jain philosophy with modern scientific findings, conducted by JCA.
1998 - 2006 Invited to speak motivationally at the annual felicitation for 500 meritorious high school graduates in Jaipur on Personality Development – 1998. This meeting was the brainchild of Pujya Kshamasagarji. Given talks on adult audience forums including JAINA, USA, the Jain Engineers Society, Indore and National Art Foundation. These talks were on emotional and interpersonal growth and development.
2016 Mind hacking techniques taught at an Award function, for 500 meritorious students conducted by ‘Maitree Samooh’ - a self volunteer organization, Indore.
2019-2022 Emotional wellbeing talks given at Fast IAS Academy, Sanganer high school and college students Jaipur, Round Table Indore, Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, and New York, along with several group discussions in India and U.S.A.
2012 Zero Limits seminar for 300 students at Sanmati High school Indore, for JCNC members Milpitas California, Private events around the world. Some of her works are posted on facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MiraclesWithNoExceptions/
Conscious Diamond Energy education program
Invited to conduct educational seminar at Washington DC for prestigious American Gemological Society (AGS) Conclave on CDE™ Conscious diamond energy attuning with the power of Diamond in every day. Conducted workshop at "Diamond and Tea" event organized by WJA, New York.
2017 Diamond Meditation and healing workshop in Aspen, USA for an elite group.
2018 Psychotherapy and cleansing energy of diamonds – Maui and Kona, Hawaii.
Healings and Trainings
Certified Healer and Trainer since 2001.
Conducted one month Workshop facilitated towards service to heal. Worked on cases like congenital asthma, paralysis, general body weakness, addictions and COVID patients. 2012 Conducted Pranic healing Training at the New York Open Center. Crystal healing and readings conducted in New Jersey, West Virginia, Nantucket, Texas, and California.
Painting Exhibitions
Solo Painting exhibitions 2007-2012 “Behold the Interfaith” Georgetown University, Washington D.C. , Columbia University (New York), JCNC Milpitas, California, JCA (Elmhurst, New York), JAINA(New Jersey & Detroit). Works available to view at www.SurbhiPandya.com