Imagine a stained wall. The wall happens to have oil on it and attracts dust particles which get stuck to the wall and stains it. Story of Karma is similar to this. Our passions are like the oil which attract the dust particles (karma) towards our soul. Once the karma particles get drawn towards our soul, they get stuck on it, thereby staining the soul itself.
Nature of Karma particles
"What we sow, so shall we reap" is the common way to describe Karma theory. When we sow a seed in a fertile ground, it reaps in due course of time. Similarly karma particles have an ability of fruition when the time is right. The fruits of karma are in the form of our experiences of life. When we sow the seeds of despair, their fruition is unpleasant and on sowing the seeds of kindness, their fruition is sweet and pleasant.
Karma destiny
When we were sowing the seeds of our karma, we knew what they will ripen into. So our destiny was very well decided by our actions. And can we say that even in this present moment we are creating our future experiences? So the question is if it’s possible that a person can make a choice between selecting the seeds he or she wants to sow and or continue sowing the seeds in a reactive manner as always. Can we use these karma seeds selectively to act like catalysts towards creating a life of our choice? So, why not experiment and have a first-hand experience whether our supportive selections can help us enjoy selective fruits and if we can experience a better destiny.
Reversing Karma story
In the beginning of this karma story, we understood that karma are the dust particles staining our soul. So, by making selections of the color of dust, its still going to stain the wall either with unpleasant colored dust or with a pleasant one. So, can a possible selection of dust lead to lesser staining? No. But, when making our selection of pleasantness resulting seeds, self-realization is paramount. Self-realization transforms any dust particle into “Golden Pixie dust”. Realization that fear is not my true nature and then choosing supportive actions of seeing the good in any situation leads to the attraction of golden pixie dust. The shimmer of this dust replicates the brilliance of soul itself. In the presence of self-realization the soul begins to loosen the stickiness itself. Gradually we begin to experience the unstained true nature of soul. Thus by using self-realization as a tool, we can lessen the oil (passions) on our soul, which would in-turn lessen the staining from karma (dust).