The games are designed to awaken our higher modes of functioning. We habitually think and act in same old patterns without truly getting time to pause and think about our actions. One day when we bump into an undesirable situation and then start to wonder as to what went wrong. The game Freedom Ride gives an opportunity to think and function with Clarity. While playing this game, you are able to train your brain towards thinking patterns which are beyond the obvious. This is life-changing ! and as reviewers say "Thought Provoking"!
When I started life coaching, my clients used to ask me, how can you see things in such different and liberating ways.... and I realized its time to apply these liberating principles and serve them to the world in the form of creative and entertaining games. Secret is uplifting people's thought process and lifestyle without them realizing ;)
My sincere gratitude towards:
Advit, Anusha, Kewali, Sunidhi, Hitasha, Maahir, Vivaan and Ashita, for their childlike playful inputs towards all AWAKEN NOW board-games. Abhishek Gangwal, Vineet Pandya, Preeti Jain, Namrata Kasliwal, Manisha Jain and Ashish Ajmera for their help in compiling the matter for the games. Yamini Jain for digital graphics.
And to my mentor, KshamaSagarji Maharaj for his teachings and inspiration to undertake this project and the others.