Check out this great video on how to play the game Freedom Ride.
Purpose of the game :
Gain three clarity cards, reduce the karmas to ten or less and enter the path towards omniscience (enlightened state).
1. Karma Bank will give 1500 karma to every player. You can start your Freedom ride at birth position. Move forward by rolling a dice and going in clockwise direction. Follow the instruction on cards respective to the space a player lands at.
2. Place the Ashoka tree and Superpowers at their respective places on game-board.
On landing at color spaces, bank will add or reduce karmas in your account. You will become the owner of the color card that you land at, till the time you gain CLARITY card.
If someone lands on your owned + color card space then Karma Bank will add karma points to your account and you will give 1/2 + points to the player landing on that space.
If someone lands on your owned - color card space then bank will reduce 1/2 - points from your account as well as from the player landed.
If you land on your owned + / - color card space then Karma Bank will add double + points to your account or you will give away double - points to the bank.
If you own three cards of the same color you can trade those cards for the CLARITY card of the same color from the bank. You have learnt your lessons.
Return your owned color cards to the game board if you have mastered that path by owning CLARITY card of the same color. Green color cards are returned only when you enter the pebble path towards lotus.
1. When you land on a clarity space, you can own the clarity color card of the same Jnaan. You will directly move to Ashoka Tree place to do Meditation and loose one turn.
2. Surrender your owned color spaces of the same color to the game board.
3. When in future you will arrive on this color path matching to the clarity card, you will not accumulate any + points. Only karmas will be reduced for - points.
1. On owning all 3 clarity cards you will stop gaining unwanted karmas despite landing on any + space. Only - points will be applied. All color cards are surrendered by this time.
2. Also the Power mode of Mana- Paryay Jnaan / green path becomes active and you reduce karma on the green spaces by double – points, making your journey towards Keval Jnaan easier.
3. If your karmas are reduced to less than ten, you automatically become the owner of three clarity cards.
1. When you gain clarity, go directly to meditate under the Ashoka tree for one turn. Resume your path from this space itself. And get - points at a faster rate, as this path is all - points.
2. If you land on tree as a normal move, consider it as just a movement step, no points.
Pickup a change/chance card if you land on the space and follow the instructions on the card.
Return the card at the back of the deck of Change cards.
1. Attach the superpower to your pawn. Read individual instructions on the Superpower cards for movement. For next three turns, you will retain the superpower. Once your three turns are done or someone else lands on the same superpower space, you surrender the power back to game-board.
2.You can have only one superpower at a time. If you happen to land on another superpower space, then surrender the first power and continue with the new power.
1. Karma Bank will add 200 points every time you cross the start space.
2. This block is considered an entry into the center of board-game towards lotus, only if the player is left with just 10 karmas and owner of three clarity cards.
After gaining three clarity cards, reduce your karmas to less than 10 points and step on the pebbles in the center of board-game towards the lotus from the birth space. You have to roll exact number on dice, for becoming an Omniscient.
In case your karmas are ten or less then you automatically become the owner of all three Clarity cards and can step towards the Lotus from the birth space.
The Masters after attaining the Keval Jnaan/omniscience now roll two dices and give advantage of the number cast to one player or give individual numbers for two different players. You must make sure to choose players, who can be benefited from your rolled numbers.
Game ends only when all players have become Omniscients. Every player has to cast the final dice of exact number themselves to reach the Omniscient space which is center Lotus.
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I wanna ride and make my time worthwhile !
A unique game experience which is not only fun, but will change the way you experience winning altogether.