1 Freedom Ride Playing Board
2 Wooden Dices
8 Wooden Pawns
4 Superpower Pawn attachments
1 Ashoka Tree
18 Change Cards
18 Clarity Cards
4 Superpower Cards
26 Jnaan Color Cards
100 count each of 100s, 50s, 20s and 10s Karma Money
Red path cards
Total 7 cards each indicating activities of brain and five senses.
Yellow path cards
Total 6 cards each indicating activities of brain and five senses using skilled intellect.
Blue path cards
Total 7 cards each indicating psychic activities with support from angels.
Green path cards
Total 6 cards each indicating meditation process and spiritual maturity.
Jnaan cards
Activities that we do with our limited sense of knowingness. These are of four types as per ancient scriptures- Mati Jnaan, Shrut Jnaan, Avadhi Jnaan and Manh Paryay Jnaan.
Four Superpowers
Power to walk on fire, Power to body extension, Power to walk in air and Power to make atom size body. These superpowers are attched at the base of each pawn when they arrive at the superpower spot. So before starting the game, keep the superpowers matched to their locations as in the image right on the game board itself.